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Hey there!

I'm Jessica,

a children's reading coach.

If you've stumbled upon my little corner of the internet, you're a parent who is eager to help your child learn to read or to supplement your child's reading instruction.

Why not just dive right in and grab some of my free resources?




I've been where you are...

Let’s face it, the journey of teaching our kids to read can sometimes feel like navigating a maze blindfolded.


We all want to see those little eyes light up with excitement as they unlock the world of words, but where do we even begin? From scouring libraries for the perfect level-appropriate books to fielding questions that stump even the most seasoned linguists (such as, why is “phone” spelled with a ‘ph’?), the road to literacy can be daunting.

But fear not, my friend! You’re not alone in this adventure. With my educational YouTube videos about reading and my free guides, we’ll navigate through the challenges together, turning each stumbling block into a stepping stone towards reading success.

Are you ready to embark on this empowering journey?

free resources

Free guide to help you on your child's reading journey.

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about the monster crew


Hey there!

I'm Jessica.

I'm a children's reading coach, and I'm so glad you're here. Welcome to the crew!

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